There are two ways to load your wallet with money:
1. By using another bank's card:
In the ‘Top up’ section of your wallet, you can carry out a top up transaction while saving your card details for future transactions, if you wish. You need to know your card number (PAN), its expiry date, the CVV (three-digit number on the back of the card) and the name printed on your card. The cards supported are Visa, Mastercard & Maestro cards. Please note that it is not possible to top-up with Maestro cards that have more digits than Mastercards (more than 16 digits).
Follow these steps:
a. From the main menu, go to your Wallet and select ‘Top up’.
b. Enter the Top up amount and click ‘Add money’.
c. Enter your card details and select ‘Complete’.
Keep in mind that during the transaction, your bank may ask you to verify your identity via 3DS (3D Secure – e.g. sending a text message, Viber message or push notification to your mobile phone)
2. By transferring money from another bank via SEPA transfer.
Go to the ‘Top up’ section in your wallet and then ‘Bank transfer’ to find the COSMOTE Payments IBAN of your payzy account.
Copy this number and the full name under which you have opened the account.
Then, with this information, you can send a bank transfer (SEPA) via e-banking or by visiting one of your bank's physical branches.