The basic requirement is to have downloaded the payzy app and successfully completed your registration!
The payzy physical card is a Visa debit card, which is linked to your payzy account balance, and which you can order and receive through payzy app within a few days. You can use it at ATMs, in online transactions, and for payments at physical terminals (POS). Also, like the virtual card, you can add it to Apple Pay or Google Wallet to make purchases from your smart devices.
Next, to issue your physical payzy Visa debit card, follow these simple steps:
- Log in the payzy.
- Select the "Cards" section.
- Click to
go to the "Card Issuance" section.
- Choose "physical debit" and then specify the delivery address where you wish to receive your card.
After paying the fee of 9€ for the issuance and shipping of your physical card and confirming your order, all you have to do is wait to receive it!