All you need to do is visit one of the businesses you will find in the ‘payzy pro spots’ section of the payzy by COSMOTE app and pay via QR Code
It’s very simple!
- Open your mobile phone camera
- Scan the merchant’s QR Code
- You are automatically taken to your payzy app
- Click on ‘Complete’ and earn twice as much! You also benefit from 2% payzy cashback, which corresponds to the payzy by COSMOTE reward scheme, as well as the cashback set by the merchant for his business!
- Log into your payzy app
- Tap the ‘payzy’ icon on your home screen
- Select ‘Pay with QR’
Scan the QR Code of the merchant and earn twice as much! You also benefit from 2% payzy cashback, which corresponds to the payzy by COSMOTE reward scheme, as well as the cashback set by the merchant for his business!