Are you having a problem with a user’s behaviour? You can do the following:
1. Report the user either through their profile or through the menu of your chat with them, so that our team can handle your request. You can also see the progress of your request under the ‘Help and support’ section by selecting ‘Support requests’.
To report a user follow these steps:
a. Go to the user's Profile and select the three dots in the top right of the screen.
b. Select ‘Report user’.
c. Select the reason you are reporting them and then click ‘Send’.
2. Block the chat by selecting the relevant option in the chat menu.
To block a chat follow these steps:
a. Select the three dots in the top right of the chat screen.
b. Select ‘Block chat’.
3. Change your profile’s visibility options so that only people who have you saved in their mobile phone contacts can search for you or even so that no one can search for you.