Date: 10/07/2023
Quick split through the transaction details: Correction of the option to create quick split via the ‘transaction details’ option.
Terms of use of card: Correct redirecting option by selecting the links through the card terms of use text.
Defining rule for password creation: Defines the minimum length (8 characters) and maximum length (30 characters) that a password may have in the application.
Warning message for incorrect OTP entry: Resolved the correct wording display in notifications on incorrectly entering OTP.
3DS - Push notification: Optimization of push notifications regarding transactions carried out with a Payzy card.
Update on the terms and conditions of promos: Now, selecting the information icon ( i ) beside the ‘Earn with payzy’ category displays a pop-up window that allows you to redirect to the payzy site and, specifically, to the terms of use of the offers.