According to the terms and conditions of this promo, the excluded payments are as follows: Certified Debts to the Tax Office, EFKA (OGNI,OGA,ETAA,ETAP-MME), EFKA EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS, OAEE, OGA INSUREES (up to 31-12-2016), OGA EMPLOYERS (up to 31-12-2016), EFKA (BAR ASSOCIATIONS), KEAO, KEAO e-Attachment Orders, e-EFKA - BRANCH DOCUMENTS, VEHICLE TAXES, e-Administrative Fee, e-Attachment Orders, ICISnet Electronic Payments, ETAA TSAY SELF EMPLOYED (up to 31-12-16), ETAA TSAY EMPLOYERS (up to 31-12-16), ETAA TAN -PUBLICATIONS, e-EFKA PAYMENT OF KEPA ADM. FEE, e-EFKA T.TEAA-TEAPYK DEBTS, e-EFKA/Contr. Non-Salaried Workers to TEKA, e-EFKA/ Employer Contr. to TEKA.